Elizabeth Dawson

3456 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special - Himex the biggest fraud within Quindell

The most fraudulent acquisition made by Quenron (QPP) was that of Himex. It really is a worthless POS but has been used to boost profits and cashflows at Quindell simply via fraud. However it will start to unravel by New Year's day and this podcast explains why. DCD Holdings, Rob Terry, Hassan Sadiq and Elizabeth Dawson are you listening to this Cosy (pun, geddit?) little message from the Sheriff of AIM?


3472 days ago

Quindell & the Himex shares – something looks very fishy indeed here

The Quenron (QPP) shareholder register as at 30th June has thrown up another couple of stinking fish carcasses. They concern Himex.

Point one is the complete absence on the register of Mr Sadiq – the founder – and his Mrs, Elizabeth Dawson. They picked up 7.33 million shares in February between them but I cannot find their names at all. Perhaps I am missing something. Of course they are largely locked in but at Quenron that means nothing and I now have it double sourced that both Sadiq and Dawson have sold heavily and in beach of lock-in. Perhaps Quenron might care to comment?


3533 days ago

Quindell & Himex – just a bit of background

You thought Quindell (QPP) had gagged me with its threats? You misjudge me badly. When Quindell’s lawyers have read this please would they remember to ask your clients “did TMC contribute 41% of 2011 Quindell Turnover?” Think disclosure and bring on the legals, bitchez! Tomorrow I shall comment on the interims and then my wife arrives at the Greek hovel for our wedding anniversary week and I largely down tools until September. But for now I have started looking at Quindell’s biggest acquisition Himex. By way of background…

Himex was started in 2012 by Hassan Sadiq and his Mrs, Elizabeth Dawson, with a mysterious backer DCD Holdings. They invested less than £10,000 to start it up. DCD invested £4000 and its stake at the time Quindell bought out the final Himex shares was valued at £60 million
